Through the sale of our “Emotional Support Squad” t-shirts, Atlanta Spurs was able to raise five-hundred dollars for Canine Cellmates, a local Atlanta organization. This fundraiser was the brainchild of Mark Killian, Member at Large for Atlanta Spurs, who designed the shirt based on Tessie; the club’s official emotional support animal, and her love of bacon (which she receives every time the Spurs score a goal!).
We were joined at Manny’s by Susan Jacobs-Meadows, Founding Director for Canine Cellmates, to accept the donation, provide us information about the program, and how the donation will benefit them.

About Canine Cellmates
Canine Cellmates began on June 3, 2013 in Fulton County Jail, in Atlanta, Georgia, and works with the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department and the Fulton County Jail to provide a program that is as much about rehabilitation and the reduction of recidivism as it is about saving shelter dogs.
The ultimate goal is that each dog graduates and goes into a loving and forever home, and men that have evolved while in the program, and supported upon their release, go on to live productive lives without further incarceration.
To learn more about Canine Cellmates, or to make a donation to the program, please visit